
We help as a consultancy destinations, hotels and tour operators to become (more) sustainable! For this we analyse your market, share latest research results, develop action plans, do risk analysis, create marketing plans and tell your story. - Please klick the 3 buttons for more detailed information!

Guidance and training

Read in detail what we can do for your destination or touristic business to become more sustainable.

Help with certification

Do you want to become a certified sustainable destination or business? Here is how we can help you!


We help you realising your projects, managing them effectively and keeping the given time line and budget.



Here do we write about news, trends, research and everything else that is of interest for sustainable destinations, tour operators, hotels and touristic business. We also talk to professionals who have implemented sustainable tourism practises to learn from them and get inspired.

Our Team

Our mission is to make tourism possible for all without harming the planet, exploiting people and ensure a satisfactory income. For this our consultants give information, help and guidance to all who work in tourism and who want to become (more) sustainable. How can we help you?

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Peter Reelfs

Expert Sustainable Tourism and Event

Business Developer Sustainable Tourism • Experienced Senior Project Leader • Certified in PM4SD • Board member and Auditor for Green Destinations • Auditor and trainer for Travelife • Lead auditor for Hållbart Evenemang (Sustainable Event) - ISO 14001 - ISO 20121

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Begoña Lapuente

Advisory Knowledge Partner

Specialist in water treatment • Specialist facility management • Waste specialist • Experienced Senior Project Leader • Specialist real estate controlling and operations

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Gepetto (aka ChatGPT)

Allrounder & Digital Collaborator

Gepetto is our versatile AI collaborator, supporting data analysis, creative problem-solving, and streamlining workflows. By leveraging Gepetto’s and other AI tools’ capabilities, we combine cutting-edge technology with our expertise to deliver innovative and efficient solutions in sustainable tourism and event management.

Startup Help

You are starting up a sustainable touristic business and would like to test some ideas, look for tips and advice? Use our consultants to support you! Ask questions, test ideas, get help with problems. With our knowledge and experience in sustainable tourism we will help you in any situation. This coaching would be possible by e-mail or via Skype. The prices are payable per month in advance. You can sign in and out at any time.

€ 99
8 hours per month
€ 299
16 hours per month

Contact Us

Please let us know what we can do for you!

Contact Us

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