Global Green Destination Days 2018
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- Oct, 02, 2018
- Sustainable Tourism
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From the 25th to the 28th September were destinations and tourism professionals from all around the world in Arnhem and Nijmegen (Netherlands) joining for the worlds largest conference on sustainable tourism. The first days were dedicated to the founding of the Global Leaders Network for the frontrunners in sustainable tourism.
Four days of workshops, meetings, in-depth-sessions and networking attracted a big amount of tourism professionals, destination-managers, sustainability experts and others from all continents who are working with or who are interested in sustainable tourism.
Nijmegen as the venue was a good choice, as the city is this years Europe’s Green Capital. Also the city is listet in Green Destinations Top 100 list for the worlds most sustainable destinations. The date was covering the World Tourism Day which took place the 27th of september, the main day for workshops and meetings.

The first two days, the 25th and 26th of september, were dedicated to the founding of the Global Leaders Network. That is meant to be a forum for the frontrunners in sustainable tourism. Those who are the true leaders towards a greener and more responsible travel will support each others, share good practices and develop innovative ideas and solutions to improve tourism potential whilst making it more sustainable.
2018 Sustainable Destinations Top 100
One of the highlights of the 27th of september was the early bird announcement of the destinations that will be included in the Green Destinations Top 100 list 2018 for the worlds most sustainable destinations. Sweden was very lucky as two more destinations made it into the list: the Östergötland region and the city of Malmö. We are especially proud that Malmö succeeded as Northflash was nominating and supporting Swedens third biggest city.
All destinations elected in the Top 100 list are eligible for the 2019 ITB Best of Top 100 Awards, to be presented at ITB Berlin the 6th of March 2019
Östergötland and Malmö are now number three and four of Swedish destinations who made it into the Top 100 list. Previously Åre and Sigtuna had already succeeded.
On the last day of the Global Green Destinations Days the Sustainable Destinations Top 100 workshop was hold. It provided guidance, examples and technical support regarding compliance to the 30 Top 100 nomination criteria.
More impressions from the Global Green Destination Days 2018 in the Netherlands.